Place them in a clear container , such as a canning jar , or glass , and the top is covered with glass.
Obviously, Flea jumping with all his might , trying to escape , but stick jumping against clear glass and hurt themselves . So gradually "learn " that their efforts are futile and that every attempt hurt themselves . So stop jumping higher and begins to increasingly small jumps.
After a week of master key , its biggest jump only be 5 inches , and never took more high.
No matter you remove the glass , or even that serves your jar , the fleas that normally jump up to 1.68 meters, from now on only took just 5 inches.
Step is that perhaps something to his legs ?
No, the problem is " learned " that if they jump high and hard, do damage.
I remember hearing once that the rich are complete , they are poor but honest , that being rich is bad, that diseases are hereditary , that bathing after eating gives embolism, the watchman of the sick night, I am content with a house that I'm content with a cart and an infinite etc?
Well, all that you mentioned are just negative beliefs , positive or negative beliefs you have in your subconscious are learned from childhood patterns which do not put into question because usually were recorded by your most loved ones and that automatically das indeed, and eye, not loved ones recorded with the intention to harm you or frustrate you , simple ignorance did because that was the information they had and believed correct, but all faiths are susceptible to being I changed, I mean obviously negative for positive , for other functions and you will enable better and more enjoyable life .
Life is and will be depending on your beliefs , while some can run free from smiles young life , achieve all your goals and live without limitation , other life locks them in a jar and cover them misfortunes with a ceiling of failures from birth and their lives are limited by the socio- economic life of their country, and for any number of situations from their family situation.
Many people live badly because of the economic situation in the country which serves as the glass jar and passing them as the trained fleas , when you take your jar , no longer dare to jump higher .
A trained flea, can still jump 1.68 inches , has the ability to do so in the muscles of his legs, but do not dare try because he has learned that equals fail to hurt because it has been a long time stuck in a jar crystal .
In the same way we all have the ability to succeed , regardless of the country for any environment , family background , your current financial situation , your race or creed , finally , no external circumstance you determine your ability to succeed , all influences success is your attitude, your determination to make it, and once you have that provision should only take the right tools.
The tools are endless for a change in your beliefs , from hypnosis to record positive affirmations in electronic devices and listen as often as you can in the day, even while you sleep , practice visualization projection of your desires already made , etc. , are very many tools for implementing positive beliefs in your subconscious.
This change of belief that we must implement it is indispensable first step , which is to achieve increase your personal level of vibration , and this should be kept as high as possible as long as possible , for this I recommend you keep focused only on what you like and ignore what you do not like to emphasize the positive qualities of each and all, always keep the attitude of seeing the glass half full rather than half empty water .
In the coming days will be for sale manual via email in PDF format for people who are interested and live outside of Venezuela , for those who live in Venezuela you can purchase in PDF format via email, recorded on a CD or the printed and bound version , it contains very simple but very effective techniques and tips to keep your high level of vibration , to upload if you realize you desenfocastes of what you like , and also to increasingly live in the best as possible , just focus on your improvement as a human being , which may sound selfish, but it turns out every time your best improve your home environment , and while more and more are those that improve individually , enhanced by an effect similar to avalanches your city , your country, and then so on to improve the entire planet.
With Love 'll take a lot to order for my media contact.
Twitter: @ todopositivo19
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